Divvy Power

With all the talk of the country having an energy crisis, we wanted to see just what kinds of energy people generated. We calculated how much energy was used on each ride to get from station to station. Then we added up all that energy at the destination stations as way to collect it, like it was deposited there. In our data visualization we mapped all the rides to those stations so people could explore how each station did in the city. It's pretty impressive how dedicated Chicagoans are to DIVVY based on the amount of energy they spend on it. It must be love.

DIVVY Realtime Rides tabulates the amount of energy used during Divvy rides. For each destination station you can see: number of trips per month total distance traveled per month total time spent getting to that station average time per ride average speed per ride TOTAL POWER used getting to that station AVERAGE POWER used getting to that station

  • Spring 2014
  • Interactive, Information Design